Selling panties online is a great way to bring in a few extra dollars each month. The internet allows you to make money, while still staying private and anonymous. It allows you to develop a customer base without ever having to meet your customers face to face. This is precisely why several women are successfully using the medium to sell their intimate wear to complete strangers.
People who buy used panties and other intimate wear love to experience the eroticism associated with a women’s scent. They enjoy the heady feeling of being stimulated by sniffing, touching or licking women’s panties. Some may just want to wear them and experience an erecting burst. Whatever the fetish – the bottom line is these men adore a woman’s nectar and are completely addicted to it. If you are successful in giving your buyers exactly what they’re after, you will never be short of repeat orders.
Before becoming a used panty seller it is important to understand that people who are absolute strangers may come up with all sorts of requests that may seem slightly unusual to downright weird to you at first. Your clients are always looking to enhance their sexual fantasies, and as such will be ready to pay a higher price for a greater erotic high. They will want to experience more than your scent or garments to enjoy a sensory rush.
Knowing and understanding these requests will prepare you to take them on in a professional manner. Here are some common requests that your buyers may come up with for added excitement.
There will be requests for extras such as cream pie on the panty skid marks, other stains or even spit. Another common request is dildo play in panties or rubbing sex toys vigorously in panties. It is up to you to decide which requests you are willing to accept and which you are not comfortable accepting. It is best to clearly state your boundaries upfront to prevent any misunderstandings or wasted time.
Some may want to experience your pleasure through anal toys in the panties. Buyers may ask some models to masturbate in their panties, and enjoy the scent of musky vaginal cum. The more soaked the panties, the higher will be their excitement level. Most men who are into panty fetishes love wet panties, and if you have the natural gift of being able to produce a good amount of vaginal nectar, you can keep your customers happy and coming for more.
Buyers may request for your pictures and videos in specific poses. They may want a good glimpse of your butt or a generous view of your vaginal lips popping out through barely there panties or just a shot of your cleavage. They may ask you to pose in a specific manner to help them enjoy the most ‘vantage point view’ of your assets. They may even request specific videos of you in a particular series of poses or doing a sexy striptease or wearing handcuffs and sassy stilettos to satiate their fantasies while experiencing your panties.
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